In God We Trust

inspiration Aug 10, 2020

“It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in princes.” Psalm 118:9


It has been a few days since the election results and I have seen and heard a lot of comments from supporters of both candidates. I am one of many who was surprised (okay shocked) by the sea of red on the map of the United States on election night. For people from all walks of life, this appears to be a disaster. If you listen to all of the rhetoric, this is a pretty prevailing sentiment, despite the votes (still trying to figure that one out). However, here is what I know to be true.

I know that God has given us free will and the ability to make choices, whether good or bad.

I know that people will inevitably show you who they really are, good or bad.

I know that true character is exhibited when no one is watching.

I know that the human spirit has the ability to overcome negative situations, when and if we choose to do so.

I know that we have elected a mere man who alone does not have the power to cause us to act any differently than we ultimately choose to act.

That’s what I know. Now, here’s what I believe.

I believe God has always and will always be on the throne, therefore I do not worry about who is temporarily in office.

I believe if we, as a country, turn away from those things that God does not condone, he will heal us and continue to bless us.

I believe now is the time for us to come together, despite the magnetic resistance to pull us apart.

One man does not have the power to divide a country unless we allow ourselves to be divided. We must choose to be a people who love all of our neighbors, help the poor, take care of our elderly, protect the under represented, and speak up for what is right. We must be people who are compassionate and quick to love. We must be willing to do the hard thing in order to perpetuate the right thing.


The sea of red is an outward indicator that a majority of people in this country support an America that looks very different than my personal ideal. But despite the outcome, I choose to trust in God. My hope is not and has never been contingent on any president of these United States. We lose sight of the big picture when we place our faith in a man or a woman. Man has limited control and has a finite place in time. Faith should never be placed in anything temporary. The very currency we use every day in this country says “In God We Trust.” I agree.

#commitment #faith #2016Election #PresidentialElection #ChristyDemetrakis #empoweredspeaker