Lesson Learned...

inspiration Aug 10, 2020

Re-post from October 2016:

 I posted a quote by Oprah Winfrey on my social media sites today. The quote says “I’ve learned that you can’t have everything and do everything at the same time.” Now, I post a lot of quotes. I love quotes. If you’ve read my book Faith to Conquer Fear: Inspiration to Achieve your Dreams, you know how much I love quotes. But this quote is personal. How often do we try to do everything, be everywhere and have everything at the same time? I am the most guilty person I know of trying to do it all. But I’ll tell you that I have had a perspective altering experience that changed me for the better.

 For a few months, I had the pleasure of getting to spend a lot of time with a 10 month old. If you have ever been around babies for any period of time, you can attest to the fact that they do not really care about your meetings that day. They are not interested in the latest office gossip. They do not care if you had a good day or a bad day. What they care about is that you hug and kiss them when you walk in the door. They care about eating whatever is on your plate. They care about the bedtime story and the silly voices you make while reading.

 Spending time with this little girl changed my priorities. Even though she is not my child, I found myself adjusting my days and prioritizing my evening activities to spend time with her. In the process, I rediscovered what’s really important to do and what can wait until later or never. Oprah said “I’ve learned that you can’t have everything and do everything at the same time.” That’s a lesson best learned early.

#achieve #achievingdreams #inspiration #empoweredspeaker #faith #OprahWinfrey #Oprah