Practice Makes Perfect??

public speaking Apr 18, 2021

Do you have an idea, a proposal, a message, a story that you want to share with the world, but you don’t feel like you can because you have a fear of public speaking. Well, let me tell you that there are tips and techniques that you can absolutely use that will help you to overcome the nerves associated with the fear of public speaking.

Practice! Practice! Practice!

Most of us hate the term "practice" because it sounds like work. Well guess what? It is work! It’s absolutely work. But hard work pays off. And you’ll find that if you follow the technique I coach in my SpeakersTrainingCamp program.

First, I start by asking my clients, "how many times do you think you should practice your presentation before you present it?" I typically get answers like "twice." Nope! “Three times?” Nope! And now they’re looking at me sideways as they ask, “What!! More than three?” Yes! Double that number! Six times.

I know you’re saying you don’t have time, but I’m telling you don’t have time not to practice. Six is the minimum number of times you should practice your presentation and here's how to think about it.

The first two times, you’re practicing your content.

The second two times, you’re still practicing the content and you’re adding in practice with any elements that are going to help make your presentation interesting. Check out my blog post on "How to Engage Your Audience."

The last two times, you are still practicing your content and your elements to keep the audience engaged, but now adding delivery, with a focus on your nonverbals.

 Over the course of those six practice sessions, you are getting really comfortable with your content, which builds your confidence. Each time you practice, you’re building. You’re reinforcing! You’re building! You’re reinforcing and your confidence is growing. Practice is critical.

I had the wonderful opportunity to do a TEDx talk and I will tell you, I practiced way more than six times for that TEDx talk! While it was one of the hardest presentations I have ever done in my life, it was one of the most rewarding. It would not have been successful without lots of practice!

Practice is a key to increasing your confidence, conquering your fears and delivering an impactful presentation.